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Customer Happiness Tracking

How to manage feedback from your business consumers to ensure great service

Offering good customer service is often the goal of many businesses as it ensures customers return to purchase their goods or services again and recommend them to their peers. While many users of IT may have no choice of where to consume their IT requirements, offering them good customer experience is still important. This is because a positive experience for the consumers of IT demonstrates your value to the business and ensures its smooth running. Additionally, users of IT are less likely to indulge in ShadowIT if their experiences so far have been positive and have saved them time and resources in the past. The feedback management content pack describes how to use the power of Service Desk to deliver better customer service by capturing and managing feedback from your business users, ensuring that all feedback is recorded in a central location and can be reported on as well as assigning tasks to the appropriate groups to respond to negative or unhappy users. This feedback is generated not only from incident surveys but also on an ad hoc basis (whenever someone in the service desk interacts with a user) or from targeted surveys and feedback requests. In addition, data from this feedback can be used to proactively show your analysts how happy a user is with their experience whenever they interact so as to have immediate knowledge of how to handle the situation.