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Recurring Activity

Use Service Desk features to create records on a recurring schedule to ensure that repetitive tasks are completed each time they're required.

This Module will allow you to set up recurring tasks to run automatically either daily or weekly. These tasks can be anything that you need to be taken care of on a regular basis. You will be allowed to select a specific user or group who will be assigned the tasks as often as selected in the recurrence. This user or group will then be able to work through their tasks and upon completion, they can close their task down. They will automatically receive a new notification when the time has come for a new task to be created for them. This will carry on until the Activity is stopped or has reached its set up end date. A notification will be sent out to the selected responsible user or group when a task is created. Response Levels will be added to your tasks which will send out reminders and make sure that the task is being completed within a timely manner. This is selected when you create the main Activity and all task created from the Activity will be given this Response Level.